Jens Brand 萊曼.布蘭德
Topic 題目:
Brand's Brand 布蘭德的品牌
Global Player


Date, Time and Venue:

18.11.2007; 15:00 - 15:30 (Hong Kong City Hall 香港大會堂 map)

Conducted in English 英語主講

Due to the many requests, the company decided to reveal some of the insides of our unique products. Mr. Jens Brand, our founder and sales representative will talk about the engine and the philosophy that drives the only true "Global Players" in the world. Additional he will introduce the audience to the "BRAND" company-history and give an overview of the actual sales statistics. He will explain about the functions of the famous G-Player and its portable top-sales sibling the G-Pod.

Of course some details on the technology of our newest products - the G-BEE, the G-ONE and the mysterious TWV - will be not be missing. In the end of he his talk questions can be asked and products can be bought on discount prices.

As an add-on and a welcome gesture of our first HK branch we are pleased to announce that we will hand out free Beeliners to our most appreciated Hong Kong audience.

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