The Internet as we know is centralized and controlled by corporations and governments. Can we create an alternate peer to peer, distributed web? Building a network is not just about the intent, it’s also about consent. You need a code of conduct — ground rules that other people on the network agree to. That means acknowledging the complexity in the network and in the people. We need to think about care instead of control. Without care, everything is just code. How can we define care? We need to take into account access, ability, identity, and environment. The protocol we use now centralizes power unevenly, and prioritizes certain types of people and their habitats. To build a future where diverse communities are prioritized, we need to consider trust and care before code. Can we code to care, and can we code carefully?

Taeyoon Choi
Taeyoon Choi is an artist, educator, and activist based in New York and Seoul. His art practice involves performance, electronics, drawings, and installations that form the basis for storytelling in public spaces.
He graduated from the School of the Art Institute of Chicago. He co-founded the School for Poetic Computation where he continues to organize sessions and teach classes. He also teaches at the ITP in New York University. Recently, he's been focusing on unlearning the wall of disability and normalcy, and enhancing accessibility and inclusion within art and technology.
His solo exhibitions include Speakers Corners, Eyebeam Art and Technology Center, New York. His projects were presented at the Shanghai Biennale and Whitney Museum of American Art. He was an artist in residence at the Lower Manhattan Cultural Council's Workspace, The Studio for Creative Inquiry at Carnegie Mellon University and at Art Center Nabi. He received commissions from Art + Technology Lab, Los Angeles County Museum of Art and SeMA Biennale Mediacity Seoul. Currently, he's excited about peer to peer, decentralized network, and is building Distributed Web of Care.
他曾於Speakers Corners、美國Eyebeams藝術與科技中心舉辦個展,而他的項目曾於上海雙年展及美國惠特尼藝術館 展出。他曾是曼哈頓下城文化委員會、卡納基梅隆大學的創意咨詢工作室以及南韓納比藝術中心的常駐藝術家,並且為洛杉磯縣藝術館Art+Technology實驗室和首爾㿝SeMA Biennale Mediacity 創作委託作品。目前他專注於建構分佈式關顧網,一個平等的去中心網絡。