Microwave International New Media Arts Festival 2019 ● 微波國際新媒體藝術節 2019 ● E.A.T. ● NOVEMBER 2019 Microwave International New Media Arts Festival 2019 ● 微波國際新媒體藝術節 2019 ● E.A.T. ● NOVEMBER 2019 Microwave International New Media Arts Festival 2019 ● 微波國際新媒體藝術節 2019 ● E.A.T. ● NOVEMBER 2019 Microwave International New Media Arts Festival 2019 ● 微波國際新媒體藝術節 2019 ● E.A.T. ● NOVEMBER 2019
數位書法塗鴉 (香港版本)

17/11/2019 (Sun 日)
Workshop 工作坊:14:00-16:30
Performance 表演:16:30-17:30

Exhibition Hall, Low Block, Hong Kong City Hall

DIGITAL CALLIGRAFFITI is a community project which gives the chance to all social groups to freely share their messages, wishes and visions on burning issues of our society. It combines the traditional cultural technique of calligraphy and graffiti with the possibilities of urban media art and new technologies. DIGITAL CALLIGRAFFITI facilitates the communication between the individual and the whole and transforms walls and digital screens into a canvas of civic expression to build bridges of intercultural understanding and promoting diversities as the medium to bring us closer.

During the MICROWAVE INTERNATIONAL NEW MEDIA ARTS FESTIVAL 2019, the team want to use DIGITAL CALLIGRAFFITI as an open platform of solidarity with the challenging question: What Urban Media Art Can Do for Hongkong?


透過參與今届微波國際新媒體藝術節,團隊以《數位書法塗鴉》作為一個團結解決重要問題/挑戰的開放平台: 到底城市媒體藝術可以為香港這城市做些什麼?

Artist / Group Bio

DIGITAL CALLIGRAFFITI is initiated by Susa Pop, co-founding director of Public Art Lab Berlin in collaboration with the artist Michael Ang and Don Karl from Here to Fame Publishing.

Susa Pop is curating and producing urban media art projects worldwide with focus on translocal placemaking, citizen science and creative citymaking.

Michael Ang is a Canadian media artist and computer engineer based in Berlin. He invented the Infl3ctor in collaboration with Hamza Abu Ayyash.

The Infl3ctor is the interactive projection system for DIGITAL CALLIGRAFFITi's live painting to visualise the tags and statements on walls and urban screen in real-time.

Don Karl is co-founding director of From Here to Fame Publishing. He co-curates DIGITAL CALLIGRAFFITI programs with his network of international urban art & hip-hop artists and activists around the world. From Here to Fame Publishing produces literature about graffiti, street art, design and hip-hop scenes, and phenomena that surround it, we live it.

Friendly : ) is a known Hong Kong calligraffiti artist, freelance art director and amateur animated film maker based in Berlin. She developed Digital Calligraffiti from the very beginning. Friendly has been exhibiting her work since 1999.

《數位書法塗鴉》項目由柏林公共藝術實驗室 (Public Art Lab Berlin)合作創辦人蘇珊·波普發起,與藝術家安米高以及Here to Fame出版的當·卡爾共同合作。


安米高是加拿大籍的媒體藝術家和計算機工程師,現居柏林。他與媒體藝術家哈姆扎·阿布 ·阿也殊共同發明及設計了互動技術Infl3ctor。


當·卡爾是From Here to Fame出版的聯合創辦總監,也是《數位書法塗鴉》的聯合策展人。他擁有世界各地的城市藝術及嘻哈藝術家的國際網絡,而出版社則主要出版有關塗鴉、街頭藝術、設計與嘻哈文化現象以及圍繞這些題目的文學作品。

Friendly : ) 是香港數位書法塗鴉藝術家,同時是平面設計師及攝影師,現居香港及柏林。她自項目初始開始參與發展,自2001年起展出其作品。

Digital Calligraffiti is initiated by Public Art Lab in collaboration with From Here to Fame Publishing with the artists Michael Ang and Hamza Abu Ayyash.

Calligraffiti artist Friendly Liu @ Microwave Festival

Co-funded by the Goethe-Institut Hongkong and the European Union / Creative Europe.
