Speaker’s biography

DOSU Studio Architecture is an award-winning firm that specializes in innovative building practices, both domestically and internationally. Upon opening its doors in 1999, clients interested in unusual design sought proposals and installations that would differentiate their commercial space from others. Dot.com and marketing companies became ideal laboratories for testing new and innovative designs and details, later receiving several AIA and ASID awards. In 2001, Doris Sung, principal of DOSU, was awarded the AIA's prestigious Young-Architect-of-the-Year award. The same year the office opened its Los Angeles branch and expanded its repertoire to include public art, monuments, hospitality design and material research.

Over time, the firm has focused more on research and bringing active systems to sustainable design far beyond the simple "greening" of a building. With the belief that buildings can be more sensitive to the changing environment and the human body, DOSU seeks ways to make the building skin dynamic and change our traditional perception of facades. Through grant-funded research, DOSU is developing smart materials, such as thermobimetals, to self-ventilate, to sun-shade and to pre-tension surfaces in response to changes in temperatures--all with zero-energy and no controls.

Doris Sung, principal of DOSU, graduated from Princeton University with a B.A. in Architecture and from Columbia University with a M.Arch. degree. She worked in Boston at Walter Gropius' firm, The Architectural Collaborative, before completing her internship in Washington, D.C. She has taught at the Catholic University of America, University of Colorado, Southern California Institute of Architecture (SCI-Arc), and University of Southern California (USC), where she is presently. She lectures and exhibits internationally.

TED talk

Interview on The Creator's Project


DOSU建築工作室是一所屢獲殊榮的公司,專注於創新的建築實踐,在國內和國際享負盛名。自1999年開業以來,客戶均熱衷追求獨特設計建議及裝置,將其項目與商業空間劃出差異。 Dot.com和營銷公司均成為理想的實驗室,致力創新設計與細節,並後榮獲AIA和ASID的獎項。2001年,DOSU主席多麗絲被授予AIA的年輕建築師年獎,同年工作室於洛杉磯開設分行,並擴大其創作範圍,包括公共藝術、古蹟、酒店設計及物料研究。


多麗絲 . 宋,DOSU主席,畢業於美國普林斯頓大學,獲得其建築學士學位,並於哥倫比亞大學獲 得其建築碩士學位。在她完成其於華盛頓特區的實習工作前,她已經曾在Walter Gropius波士頓建築師事務所工作。她曾任教於美國天主教大學、美國科羅拉多大學、南加州建築學院(SCI-Arc),目前任教於南加州大學。她亦於全球多個城市演講及展覽其作品。


The Creator's Project訪談

Speakers’ abstract

Architecture Unplugged

Like human skin, a building’s skin should be the first line of defense when considering cost-effective methods of internal temperature regulation. Reducing buildings’ reliance on mechanical cooling and energy-usage can have tremendous impact on containing global warming, reducing heat island effects and diminishing fossil fuel consumption. Using smart materials like Thermobimetal (which curls when heated), outer surfaces can be design to automatically transform from transparent to opaque for sun-shading and self-ventilating purposes--without controls or energy. Doris Sung's lecture will present a variety of completed and on-going projects that will propose new performative building surfaces.



就像人的皮膚,當在考量具成本效益的內部恆溫裝置時,建築物的表層也應該被視 為第一度防線。減少建築物的機械冷卻以及對於使用能源的依賴可以對全球暖化產生巨效益,並減少熱島效應和減少化石燃料的消耗的巨大影響。使用智能材料,如Thermobimetal(能在受熱時捲曲),就可以在無需受管制及耗能的情況下,建築物表層便可自動變換,從透明到不透明的遮陽及自動通風的目的。多麗絲將演述各種正在進行及已完成的相關項目。