Storytelling Podcast
(Cantonese only)

Podcast 講故 (廣東話限定)

還記得廣播劇嗎?舊日子從收音機定時定候去收聽,九十年代精采的節目多不勝數,然後漸漸因為媒體技術的轉變,人們開始習慣Video/Audio on Demand,於是想什麼時候聽什麼看什麼再也不用看時間表。現在的我們擁有許多線上媒體的選擇,但卻少了那麼一點期待。是次Podcast講故想要重拾廣播劇的經驗,用聲音說故事,除了回憶或重塑文化體驗,也想要透過不同的新舊媒體去實現項目主題,並透過大眾熟悉的媒體操作,用故事連結過去與現在,透視可以重塑一個人珍貴回憶的可能性。


‘Reimagines Heritage’ is an experimental project that aims to promote different ways of preserving one’s own treasure. With the advancement of technology in our society, we are able to make a lot of records, audio or video, but with the constant evolving and changing of media platform, are there any precious things that have disappeared with the transformation/ disappearance of the media? The story ‘THREE DAYS’ is divided into two parts, the author starts from her own experience, letting memories be retained through text & audio recording, the people & incidents in the story may be real or fake, but the emotions are all real.

We can always try our best to leave something behind.

《一切堅固的都煙消雲散》- 實驗項目旨在推廣大眾以不同的方法去保存紀錄。現代社會科技發達,我們可以錄音錄影,但隨著平台不斷轉換,有好多珍貴的是否都隨著媒體的轉化或消失而煙消雲散了?故事《三天》分上、下兩集,作者以自身經驗出發,讓回憶通過文本與錄音留下記認,故事中的人與事或真或假,但情感是真的。


Audio Record in Cantonese only. 作品以廣東話錄製。

Voice by Joey Chung

Part 1:

Part 2:

The Writer & Project Initiator 文本與策劃
Joel Kwong a.k.a KFF
鄺佳玲 a.k.a 鄺霏飛
Media Art Curator, Project Producer & Writer

Over 15 years of media art management and curation experience, Joel received her MA in Cultural Management from the Chinese University of Hong Kong. She started managing Microwave Festival since 2006, and established SIBYLS in 2018, always aim to bring cutting edge media arts project to all walks of life. She was in many different Jury Panels for international media art/ digital art/ art & technology events, e.g. Siggraph Asia & IESA etc. And she also devoted a lot of time in doing creative write-ups and education, her writings have been published in many media platforms, and she also taught in many different tertiary institutions and universities in Hong Kong.

She believes art makes a better world.

超過十五年媒體藝術策展及管理經驗,香港中文大學文化管理碩士。自2006年為微波國際新媒體藝術節主理策展及管理工作,2018年創立SIBYLS,致力把媒體藝術推廣至更大的觀眾群。擔任多個國際重要藝術項目的評審,包括Siggraph Asia、ISEA等,除策展以外亦熱心於教育及寫作,為不同機構及平台撰寫有關藝術、電影及設計的文章,以及在本地大學及大專學院教授有關創意創作、策展管理及行政課程。


ZtoryTeller 是位於香港的故事畫廊兼創意工作室。我們連結來自不同地方的藝術家及作者,讓故事成為可以收藏的藝術品。我們相信故事的力量,以藝術及故事療癒人們的內心。

Project Collaborator

ZtoryTeller is a gallery of stories and creative studio based in Hong Kong. We connect artists and writers all over the world to let stories be collectable art. We heal souls with art and stories.