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Cinema Screening
Broadway Cinematheque,
Yau Ma Tei

Broadway Cinematheque,
Yau Ma Tei

Ticketing and General Information
Ticketing and General Information
購票辦法 Ticketing
1) 親臨票房或自動售票機購買 Tickets available at the box office and ATM at the cinema
2) 電話購票 Phone Ticketing:2388 3188
3) 網上購票 Online Ticketing:www.cinema.com.hk
* 網上及電話購票均需收取每張$6手續費
$6 handling fee will be charged on each ticket purchased online or by phone.
1) 親臨票房或自動售票機購買 Tickets available at the box office and ATM at the cinema
2) 電話購票 Phone Ticketing:2388 3188
3) 網上購票 Online Ticketing:www.cinema.com.hk
* 網上及電話購票均需收取每張$6手續費
$6 handling fee will be charged on each ticket purchased online or by phone.
優惠票價 Discount Price
$44 (百老匯電影中心會員 bc VIP member)
* 適用於票房及網上購票 Applicable to box office and online ticketing.
查詢 Enquiry
查詢熱線 Enquiry Hotline:2388 0002
會員專線 Member Hotline:2783 7004
$44 (百老匯電影中心會員 bc VIP member)
* 適用於票房及網上購票 Applicable to box office and online ticketing.
查詢 Enquiry
查詢熱線 Enquiry Hotline:2388 0002
會員專線 Member Hotline:2783 7004
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Heaven + Earth + Joe Davis 天堂 + 凡間 + 喬. 戴維絲 - 20.11.2011 {Sun日} 21:50 Duration 片長: 85 mins分鐘 Heaven + Earth + Joe Davis documents the life of an artist who is driven to pursue questions that can only be answered in the space where science and art lose their individual distinction. Why would someone want to encode poetry into the eyes of a fly, fish for paramecium or send transgenic organisms into outer space? Joe Davis’ projects can seem fantastical, impossible or even ill-advised. A deeper look at his work reveals a hidden logic that is surprising and contagious, more philosophy than art. Working with archival film, thousands of photographs and years of shooting around the world, Heaven + Earth + Joe Davis not only answers these questions, but shows they are of great significance at this moment in time. |
為什麼有人想把詩歌刻在蒼蠅身上、捕撈草履蟲或把轉基因生物送到外太空? 天堂+凡間+喬.戴維絲記錄了一個藝術家把科學與藝術融合,為不同問題找到 解答的過程。喬.戴維絲的創意項目天馬行空,看似不可能也不明智,但只要進 一步解讀他的作品,就會發現當中隱藏的邏輯。這套邏輯令人驚訝且具感染力, 是哲學多於藝術。天堂+凡間+喬.戴維絲由來自世界各地成千上萬的紀錄片和 照片剪輯而成,本片不僅解答了以上的問題,也把意義重大的時刻記錄下來。 |
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Outstanding selection of UCLA animation shorts UCLA 出色動畫短打 - 19.11.2011 {Sat六} 13:20 Duration 片長: 70 mins分鐘 The UCLA Animation Workshop has been turning out innovative and accomplished artists for over half a century, never more so than in the past decade, as the popularity and commercial impact of the genre has exploded. The secret seems to be striking a perfect balance between technology and creativity. Although the Workshop has always acknowledged the importance of staying abreast of the latest hardware and software, its central emphasis has always been originality. The rule of thumb has guided the program since it was founded in 1948: “one person, one film.” Students learn every phase of the filmmaking process, from scriptwriting to editing. They become masters of a demanding craft as well as master storytellers. 在動畫普及和商業化的氛圍下,UCLA動畫工作坊於過去半世紀成功培訓出多 個具創意的藝術家,他們的成就為世界所公認。成功背後的關鍵是找到技術和創意 之間的平衡點,縱然工作坊一直強調最新的軟件硬件訓練,但原創性才是核心。工 作坊自1948年創立後,一直秉承以實踐為重的教學宗旨:一人一電影。由寫劇本 到剪接皆由學生一手包辦,讓學生掌握技巧之餘,也培養他們的編導能力。 |
Price 票價:$55
The screening of“Heaven + Earth + Joe Davis”will be conducted in English and no subtitle will be provided.
放映節目「天堂 + 凡間 + 喬.戴維絲」將以英語播放並不會提供字幕,敬請留意。
The screening of“Heaven + Earth + Joe Davis”will be conducted in English and no subtitle will be provided.
放映節目「天堂 + 凡間 + 喬.戴維絲」將以英語播放並不會提供字幕,敬請留意。