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Supplemental Programme
Citizen Media and the Paradigm Shift in the Visual Culture
Citizen Media and the Paradigm Shift in the Visual Culture
Unit 13,
Cattle Depot Artist Village,
63 Ma Tau Kok Road,
To Kwa Wan, Hong Kong
Unit 13,
Cattle Depot Artist Village,
63 Ma Tau Kok Road,
To Kwa Wan, Hong Kong

The intersections of art and science are not only found within the academia or institutions. As information becomes easily assessable, many experiments and research and development works are decentralized to a new generation of amateur scientists that are bred from home. As new media art festivals are constantly influenced by external spheres, from creative industries, art and science laboratories to the academia, new relationship between creativity, art, mass media and the society is developed. Microwave x Videotage present two keynote speakers – Denisa Kera and Melinda Rackham from the region to reflect on how to maintain and carry on the legacy of independent producers and to expose visual culture to all forms of communications and critical interactions. The talk will be further supplemented by an artist video screening “Second -Hand Material Original Works” curated by Phoebe Man. The project is an urgent response to the recent Copyright Ordinance review, where the politically sensitive “Kuso” style works are considered to be infringement of copyright. The review is seen as a revival of Article 23 and hence directly tightening the freedom of speech and limiting creativity online. There will be a roundtable discussion on this concern.
藝術與科技接軌並不再是學術界獨有的現象,現今資訊爆炸並廣泛流通,大量實 驗及研發工作已經轉移到由業餘科學家進行。新媒體藝術節創新的地方是把藝術、科 學及學術界連結起來,帶出創意與藝術、大眾媒體以及社會的關係。這次由微波國際 新媒體藝術節與錄映太奇帶來的兩位演講者 Denisa Kera 與 Melinda Rackham 將會告訴我們獨立製作者如何在行內繼續發展以及把視覺藝術文化引進在所有的傳播 媒體和批判性互動的論述中。 文晶螢的短片放映會《二手料原創片》將會回應近來社會對版權條例修訂的評論。 修訂中,具政治敏感議題的「惡搞」作品被視為意圖挑戰法律。此舉被認為是基本法 23條立法的翻版,進一步約束言論及網上創意自由。此評論將對外展開公眾討論。
12/11/2011 {Sat 六} ![]() |
14:00 | Saturation - Melinda Rackham 21st century art is saturated with the desire to cross species, to mix and match thematic, techniques and technologies from a seemingly endless database of cultural, political and scientific research. Artists easily recombine chaotic live action role playing games and the rigors of the science laboratory; weave traditional hand crafted practices with environmental and political activism; straddle the worlds of high fashion and responsive sculpture; or meld performance art with synthetic biology. While contemporary forms of art practice blur and intertwine these formerly distinctly divided worlds, we are challenged to find new modes of exhibition, and to create more inclusiveness and extensible languages of critique. |
飽和 / 米蓮達 ‧ 域咸 二十一世紀藝術被慾望飽和以至跨越種類,混合 從無窮無盡的文學、政治與科學研究範疇當中引伸出 的主題、技巧和科技。 藝術家能輕易結合雜亂無章的現場動作角色扮演 遊戲和科學實驗室的那種嚴苛;編織出帶著環境與政 治行動主義的傳統手工藝;跨立於世界頂尖時裝與互 動雕塑;或結合行為藝術與人造生物學。 正當當代藝術的形式變得模糊而逐漸融化劃清的 界線,將以往不同的世界編結起來。我們須面對這挑 戰去尋覓新模式的展覽,創出包羅萬象、伸延性和向 外擴展的評論語言。 |
12/11/2011 {Sat 六} |
15:00 | Video Screening Second-hand Material Original Works: Hong Kong Experimental Shorts Curator: Phoebe Man The Hong Kong government has recently reviewed the Copyright Ordinance, mainly to curb Internet piracy. Director of Intellectual Property Department made it clear that “Kuso” style works are infringement of copyright. The government lawyer, who is supposed to be familiar with intellectual property rights, said using other people’s works, as art material is comparable to stealing. All of a sudden, artists who use found footage or images in their works are liable to criminal charge of theft. The proposed provision makes any distribution of (creative) work that resembles an existing work, whether commercial or not, a criminal offence “to such an extent as to affect prejudicially the copyright owner(s)”. No wonder some critics of the proposal have dubbed it the “Article 23 of Internet”. Obviously, the government is using it to combat “Kuso” style political criticism to the effect that there is no exemption for art, thus further infringing Hong Kong’s freedom of speech and creation. This situation worries many artists. |
放映會 《二手料原創片》:香港實驗短片 策展人:文晶瑩 最近香港新修訂版權條例,打擊網上盜版,知識 產權署署長張錦輝在接受《政府新聞網》訪問時明 言「惡搞」是侵權。一名政府邀請的講者、熟悉知 識產權條例的律師將二次創作比喻為偷竊。一下子 用現成片段和影像做創作的藝術家都可能犯了法, 成為賊人!即使是非牟利,若發佈作品/物品「達到 損害版權擁有人權利的程度」,都變成犯了刑事罰 行,一改以往民事性質,政府可不經版權人投訴而 主動去檢控一些侵權行為。有人認為這是「網絡廿 三條」,政府明顯地為打擊「惡搞」而設立,加上 藝術創作並未納入豁免範圍內。言論和創作自由再 進一步被收窄了,情况使許多創作人感到憂慮。 「惡搞」是二次創作的其中一種,二次創作將事 物賦予新意義,是藝術創作常用的手法,已有差不 多有一百年歷史。1919年杜象在蒙羅麗莎的複製品 上畫上兩撇鬍鬚去挑戰大師的神聖地位;安廸華荷 在六十年代大量複製金寶湯、瑪麗蓮夢露圖像,將 通俗文化帶入藝術殿堂,這些劃時代的藝術在今天 香港都可能墮入法網,叫人費解 。 |
16:30 | After Screening Discussion | 映後討論 |
13/11/2011 {Sun 日} ![]() |
14:00 | “Convergence of Citizen Media & Citizen Science: right to communicate and exchange data, protocols & kits?” Denisa Kera Should people have the right to experiment at homes with DIY homemade nuclear reactors? Do collection and sharing of radiation, CO2 and other data over mobile phones empower citizens to become active participants in their local communities? What other purposes do these DIY experiments, participatory sensing and monitoring activities serve? How do communities adapt and appropriate technologies in their everyday lives? By showing examples of recent projects and activities that radically interpret citizen media as participation as sharing of not only information but also expert knowledge, data, kits and science protocols, Dr. Denisa Kera will reason for accepting these activities as a form of experimental science policy initiatives. Citizens do not want to wait anymore for the government institutions or the non-government NGOs to act on their behalf when facing global health and environmental challenges. They want to take science in their own hands and use peer production, sharing and crowdsourcing to negotiate solutions and appropriate actions. Complex challenges such as the epidemic of obesity, carbon emissions and climate change or spread of diseases can be efficiently solved only when we place this expert knowledge in relation to the everyday practices, belief systems and experiences of individuals and communities, which need to adapt and change. |
《公民媒體與公民科學:溝通與數據、通訊協定及工具交流的權利》 迪尼莎 ‧ 嘉華 我們應該擁有在家中製造DIY核裝置的權利嗎? 從在手機上收集與分享幅射和二氧化碳的資訊能讓 我們變成社會上的活躍份子嗎?這些DIY的實驗、具 參與性的感官和觀察活動有著甚麼的用途?我們的 社會是怎樣在日常生活中採納和欣賞這些技術? 從展示出近期項目與活動中徹底地理解詮釋公 民媒體為參與身份,這種參與不單是資訊性的參與 而更是專業知識、數據、工具和科學行為準則的 參與。迪尼莎·嘉華博士將推論及思考這些行為活 動為一種實驗性的科學政治活動。公民們不能再靜 待政府機構或非政府機構幫他們作出對全球性的公 共健康的申訴及面對環境改變所帶來的挑戰。公民 們希望將科學撑握在他們手中,利用同輩間的製造 力,共享和集體創作去商議對策和作出適當的行動。 複雜的社會問題和挑戰例如癡肥、碳排放、氣 候轉變和病毒蔓延都可以被有效的解決,只有我們 能夠把專門的知識應用在日常生活中,包括信仰系 統、個人的經驗與需要革新和改變的社會經驗。 |
15:00 | Roundtable Discussion for Copyright Ordinance | 版權法圓桌會議 |