T_Visionarium (2008)
《電視潛像館》 (2008)

Neil Brown, Dennis Del Favero, Matthew McGinity, Jeffrey Shaw, Peter Weibel
T_Visionarium is a fully immersive interactive televisual installation that re-presents TV data so that viewers can explore and actively edit a multitude of stories in a panoramic three dimensional space. Its database of over 24,000 video clips is segmented from 28 hours of broadcast television, and each of these clips is tagged with metadata that describes its essential narrative properties. Up to 300 of these video clips are simultaneously displayed around a circular 3D projection screen (AVIE) developed at the UNSW iCinema Research Centre, and using a ‘wand’ the viewer can dynamically select, re-arrange and link these video clips at will, composing them into combinations based on relations provided by the metadata. This new kind of spatial connectivity gives rise to a revolutionary way of seeing and re-conceptualizing TV in its aesthetic, physical and semantic dimensions, and to an exciting new form of interactive television.

Produced by the UNSW iCinema Research Centre in collaboration with ZKM, Centre for Art and Media, Karlsruhe and NICTA, Australia. Financially supported under the Australian Research Council’s Discovery funding scheme.
《電視潛像館》是一個把電視資訊再呈現的完全融入式互動電視/視覺裝置。觀眾可利用其立體全景空間探索及剪輯出無數故事。它的資料庫存放了28小時廣播電視節目中超過24,000段錄像片段,而每一片段均帶有描述其重要屬性的元數據。在環迴的立體投射屏幕 (AVIE) 上,300段片段同時展示;觀眾可利用特製的「手掣」,參照元數據的關係,隨意選擇、重置及連結不同片段,創出不同的組合。這一嶄新的空間連結不單提供革命性的觀賞電視經驗,更在審美、實體及語義上將電視重新概念化,帶出令人振奮的互動電視新模式。