
董事 Board Of Directors
Teddy Lo
Ellen Pau
Samson Young

項目策劃及總編 Project Curator & Editor-in-chief
Joel Kwong

項目製作經理 Project Producer
Florence Wai

項目統籌及宣傳 Project Coordination & Communications
NG Production Limited

採訪及編寫 Writer & Editor
Yiu Sheung Yee

錄像製作 Video Production
Invisible Lab

設計 Design

互動設計及技術總監 Interactive Design & Technical Integration
Jason Lam

Connecting the Dots → Connecting the Dots → Connecting the Dots → Connecting the Dots → Connecting the Dots → Connecting the Dots → Connecting the Dots → Connecting the Dots → Connecting the Dots → Connecting the Dots → Connecting the Dots → Connecting the Dots → Connecting the Dots → Connecting the Dots → Connecting the Dots → Connecting the Dots →